Author Topic: WeatherCat Version 3.0.0 Now Available  (Read 18586 times)


  • Administrator
  • Strong Breeze
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WeatherCat Version 3.0.0 Now Available
« on: March 18, 2018, 12:55:26 PM »
We are very pleased to announce the release and immediate availability of WeatherCat 3.0.0.

This release brings the following changes to WeatherCat:
  • WeatherCat is now a 64 bit application.
  • A rich client protocol enabling clients to retrieve data, make queries and display images such as graphs or webcam via http.
  • Custom text Windows. A custom text window is a window you can create and edit to have just the data you want in it - weekly and monthly custom text windows are provided by way of example.
  • Updated movie functionality - as well as creating 1 hour movies, WeatherCat 3 can also create a 24 hour time-lapse movie and upload it to your web-site on an hourly basis as the day progresses.
  • Additional time specifiers for web-tags.
  • Integrated Twitter functionality.
  • Auto-update functionality. After initial installation, WeatherCat will auto-update itself with the click of a button.
Please see below for a full list of changes.

Upgrade pricing from previous versions is available at half the full retail price - more information can be found on our purchasing page:

As always, WeatherCat 3 is available for immediate download from our WeatherCat page at:

Whilst WeatherCat works best on a computer that is always running and which is permanently connected to the Internet, it will work on any Intel Macintosh running OS X 10.9 (or later) that has Internet access. It will not launch on earlier versions of the operating system.

Download the disk image and open it. Drag WeatherCat to the alias of the Applications folder in the disk image - this will copy WeatherCat to your Applications folder. Run WeatherCat from there (not the disc image).

If you have an existing WeatherCat installation, please compress/zip up your existing WeatherCat folder (just in-case you have something in there you need) and then delete your existing WeatherCat folder as it isn't used or needed any more.

Changes since WeatherCat 2

Added a rich client protocol interface
This interface runs over http and supports the following functionality: discovery, data retrieval, web-tag processing,  images (graphs, webcam etc) and help. See below for functionality/usage. A client for iOS is in development by Poobah Industries.

Movie functionality has been rewritten and expanded.
As well as the normal hourly movies, WeatherCat can now also create a true 24 hour time-lapse movie. This movie is updated hourly throughout the day and can be uploaded to your website with a new web-tag on an hourly basis. The format of the generated movies has been changed from Quicktime (.mov) to H.264 (.mp4) and an inter-frame dissolve option added. Daily movies are now also archived at ~/Movies/WeatherCatMovies in a year/month hierarchy. You can access the new functionality via the Webcam pane of WeatherCat's preferences.

Webcam/movie changes as follows:
a.  Hourly movies are now created at the end of the hour on a background thread. Previously they were created on the main thread. These are smaller than the hourly movies created previously (for the same quality).

b.  Webcam: 'Disable webcam uploads at night' relabelled to 'Disable webcam at night'. If this option is selected, the webcam will stop capturing 1 hour after sunset and restart 1 hour before sunrise. Previously it would just stop webcam related uploads.

c. Added a DAILY_MOVIE$ tag which will upload the daily time-lapse movie on the first custom web run after the movie is created. If WeatherCat isn't running at that time, then no upload will take place. The file uploaded by this tag is called 'WeatherCatDailyMovie.mp4'. The daily movie is created every hour as the day progresses.

d. The custom web tag 'MOVIE$' now uploads a file called 'WeatherCat1hrMovie.mp4', previously the file uploaded was called ''.

e. The webcam status in the 'Status' window now shows how many frames have been captured.

f. Daily movies (not 1 hour movies) are now archived at ~/Movies/WeatherCatMovies as they are created. Year and month folders will be created to aid organisation. There is a user configurable default to switch this on/and off (ArchiveMovies) but it isn't available in the UI yet.

g. Added movie run-time length (default is 15 secs/hour) and inter-frame dissolve sliders (default is off) to the webcam preferences. Note that enabling inter-frame dissolve will increase the movie sizes significantly.

Auto-update functionality.
After installation, all updates are automatic from within the application itself. You will be notified of updates within the application and via email if enabled.

Added Custom Text Windows.

A custom text window is a window you can create and edit to have just the data you want in it.

Custom text windows (CTW's) can be found in the Tools menu. There can be an unlimited number of CTW's. On installation, example weekly and monthly windows are created and will appear the the CTW menu - these can be used as an example for building new CTW's.

To create a CTW, use the Tools->Custom Text Window->New menu item.

To delete a CTW, use the Tools->Custom Text Window->Delete menu item.

To create items in a CTW, ctrl-click in the window. A pop-up menu lists items that can be added (the window name can also be set from this menu as well as other functionality).

To edit an editable item, click it. To edit an items attributes (font, colour etc), first click the item to make it editable then ctrl-click in the item where a pop-up menu will list the available options.

Multiple items can be selected by cmd-clicking items. Items can be dragged with the mouse or moved via the keyboard arrow keys by holding down the alt key whilst using the arrow keys (the window's title bar will indicate the coordinates of the item).

Selected items can be copied with cmd-c. Items can be pasted with cmd-v (items can be copied and pasted between CTW's).
Items can be cleared either by selecting delete this item in the  pop-up menu (for a single item) or using the Edit menu 'Clear' command when multiple items are selected.

All items in a CTW can be selected with cmd-a. cmd-z will undo the last operation.

The background image for a CTW can be set by dragging an image over the window.

You can save a Custom Text Window (CTW) from its pop-up menu. Similarly, individual Custom Text Windows can be loaded from the Custom Text Window's menu (Tools->Custom Text Windows->File->Load... ).

All CTW's can be saved and loaded as a set from the CTW menu (Tools->Custom Text Windows->File->Save Set.../Load Set...).
Note: loading a CTW set replaces your current CTW's with the CTW's in the set being loaded.

Added additional time specifiers for use in web tags.
a) Added an HRSAGO(x) time period specifier which will pull out a single value x hours ago - for example:
STAT$TEMPERATURE:HRSAGO(1)$ will return the temperature value an hour ago whereas STAT$TEMPERATURE:HRSAGO(0.5)$  will return the temperature value half an hour ago.
This tag is useful for building things such as scrolling historical data-sets either for direct display (for example in a table) or further processing on the server (for example graph generation).
The upper limit on the parameter x is the start of your data set. Negative values or values off the start of your data-set will return 'N/A'.

HRSAGO(x) can also be used in a STAT$ tag with an operation type of MIN/MAX/AVERAGE. This will pull out the minimum, maximum or average for the hour. Hours in this case refers to wall-clock hours, and not the 60 minutes x hours ago from the time of the call.  E.g. If the time is 21:50 and HRSAGO(24) is called, the data returned will be for the hour 21:00 to 21:59 24 hours ago.

Example: STAT$TEMPERATURE:MAX:HRSAGO(12)$ will return the maximum temperature for the hour 12 hours ago.

b) Added an DELTAHRS(x) time period specifier which will pull out the delta across the specified time period - for example:
STAT$TEMPERATURE:DELTAHRS(1)$ will return the temperature delta over the last hour whereas STAT$TEMPERATURE:DELTAHRS(0.5)$  will return the temperature delta over the last half an hour.

DELTA1 and DELTA24 are deprecated as of version 3. These tags are retained for backwards compatibility, but going forward new templates should use DELTAHRS(x).

Notes: The upper limit on the parameter x is the number of hours ago to the start of your data set. Negative values or values off the start of your data-set or in the future will return 'N/A'.

c). Added RAINSTORM as a time specifier for STAT$ tags. The period of time specified by RAINSTORM is the period between a rain rate being detected and now. The rainstorm period ends when there has been 24 hours with no rain rate. If there is no rain storm period, the tag will display as 'N/A'.
will display the maximum temperature during the rain storm period or N/A if there is no rain storm period currently active.

Note this tag is different to the Davis definition of a rain storm in that starts when the console detects 2 tips of the bucket rather than a rain rate being detected.

Re-written Twitter functionality.
When you first open the Twitter uploader (Tools->Twitter), a sheet will open where you'll need to enter your Twitter account details. Once done, the tool should then operate normally as the authentication data it receives from Twitter will be stored in your keychain and used for subsequent sessions. The Twitter uploader is compatible with Sylvester data and will load your default set of Tweets as well as loading any saved sets from Sylvester

Should you wish to change the account you are posting from in the future, you'll need to delete the authorisation data from your keychain. To do this, quit WeatherCat, open Keychain access, search for 'WeatherCat Twitter' and delete it. Launch WeatherCat and open the Twitter uploader,  it will then ask you to sign in to Twitter again.

WeatherCat Rich Client Protocol (RCP)
The RCP provides an interface to fetch various objects from WeatherCat.

This interface runs over http and supports the following logical sections, or domains:

All replies are in the form of an NSDictionary (or plist/xml). The protocol runs over http on port 49255 and advertises itself on Bonjour as 'WeatherCat Rich Client Protocol Data Server' - _wcrcps._tcp.

A typical request might be (these can be run in any web browser for testing):
(replace 'localhost' with the address of the machine running WeatherCat)

Replies are typically of the form:
<plist version="1.0">
<string>2017-03-27 22:17:00 +0000</string>

The returned dictionary will contain the following keys:
result - the result of the query (as a string)
error - a negative error number or 0 if no error. If there is an error, the result value will be set to "0".
errorDescription - a human readable english language description of the error, or 'OK' if no error.
serverTime - the time on the server in UTC
processTime - how long the request took to process in seconds.

Programmatically an RCP call can be made with the following code: (Objective-C, in this example a call to process a webtag):
Code: [Select]
NSDictionary* myDict=[NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://address of machine running WeatherCat:49255/webtag/stat$TEMPERATURE:CURRENT$"]];myDict will then contain the keys and values as described above.

Domain: discovery
Returns an array of dictionaries as the result which contains all active channels. Each dictionary contains the following keys:
channelName - the name of the channel (string).
channelNumber - the channel number (integer)
channelType - enumeration, station_channel_type (integer)
channelBasicType - base channel type (integer) - for example temperature, wind speed, pressure etc
channelValid - 1 if valid (integer)

The channel types are as defined in the 'station_channel_type' enumeration found in the WeatherCat SDK header 'StationPlugInProtocol.h'

channelBasicType is defined as:
NONE 0 //Not applicable or not known.
TEMPERATURE 1 //External temperature
PRESSURE 2 //Barometric pressure
WINDSPEED 3 //Wind speed
WINDDIRECTION 4 //Wind direction
RH 6 //Relative humidity
CLOUDBASE 7 //Coud base
SOLAR_RAD 8 //Solar radiation
UV 9 //U.V. Index
LEAF_WETNESS 10 //Leaf Wetness
SOIL_MOISTURE 11 //Soil moisture
CO2 12 //CO2
NO_UNITS 20 //Synthetic channels with no units
NO_UNITS_1DP 21 //Synthetic channels with no units, display to 1 decimal point
NO_UNITS_2DP 22 //Synthetic channels with no units, display to 2 decimal points
NO_UNITS_3DP 23 //Synthetic channels with no units, display to 3 decimal points

Given a channel type, returns the channel number of the found channel (as an integer). If the channel type is not found, -1 will be returned as the channel number and the error will be set to -3.
e.g. http://address of machine running WeatherCat:49255/discovery/getChannelOfType/4
(get the pressure type channel - see the 'station_channel_type' enumeration found in the WeatherCat SDK header 'StationPlugInProtocol.h' for the channel types).

Returns an array of dictionaries describing the custom graphs available. Each dictionary contains the following keys:
name - the name of the custom graph (string)
UID - the unique identifier for the graph (integer). Used for retrieving the image of the custom graph

Returns an array of dictionaries describing the custom text windows available. Each dictionary contains the following keys:
name - the name of the custom text window (string)
UID - the unique identifier for the custom text window (integer). Used for retrieving the image of the custom graph

Returns an array of dictionaries describing the alerts and their status. Each dictionary contains the following keys:
name - the name of the alert (string)
triggered - the alert triggered status (bool)

Returns a dictionary of useful data such as sampling period, comms data, version information etc.

Domain: data
Returns the value of the given channel.
http://address of machine running WeatherCat:49255/data/getChannelValue/0
If the channel is not found the error will be -3 (otherwise 0).

Note - as it is possible for the user to quit WeatherCat, change the station to that of a different type/manufacturer, then relaunch WeatherCat, channel numbers should not be cached in clients. To get at the live value of a channel use the getChannelOfType to get the channel number then use that channel number for getChannelValue.

This command takes three parameters:
param1 = the channel type (as per the enum found in the SDK header StationPlugInProtocol.h).
param2 = the number of samples to return (first sample in the array is the latest in the database)
param3 = the period between samples in minutes.
Returns an array of values.
http://address of machine running WeatherCat:49255/data/getData/1/288/5

Returns an array of 288 external temperature values (channel type 1) at 5 minute intervals (i.e. the last 24 hours at 5 minute resolution). The first entry in the array of returned values represents the latest sample (i.e. now), the second entry in the array will be the temperature 5 minutes before that and so on.

Note: This command is limited to returning a maximum of 10000 data items.

Possible errors for this command:
-5 = Too much data requested - maximum is 10000 values.
-4 = Wrong number of parameters
-3 = Channel not found

Domain: image

Given a custom graph UID (see customGraphList), return the image of the graph with the dimensions as set in the custom graph web width and height.
http://address of machine running WeatherCat:49255/image/getCustomGraph/1490220331

Possible errors for this command:
-5 = Custom graph not found, check UID.

Returns a basic graph with the given ID - for example:
http://address of machine running WeatherCat:49255/image/getBasicGraph/ID

where ID is one of:
RH 9
UV 18

Possible errors for this command:
-8 = Basic graph not found, check ID.

Given a custom text window UID (see customTextWindowsList), return the image of the custom text window with the dimensions as set by the current custom text window size.
http://address of machine running WeatherCat:49255/image/getCustomTextWindow/1507983243

Possible errors for this command:
-5 = Custom text window not found, check UID.

Returns the current camera image.
http://address of machine running WeatherCat:49255/image/getWebCam

Possible errors for this command:
-2 = camera not enabled or operational.
-3 = camera off-line for the night.
-6 = image not ready. Try again later.

image domain notes:
1. All images are returned as a string of hex-chars and can be converted to an NSImage object with the following Objective-C code:

Code: [Select]
    myDict=[NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://address of machine running WeatherCat:49255/image/getCustomGraph/1490220331"]];
    NSString* hexchar_data=[myDict objectForKey:@"result"];
    NSMutableData *imageData= [[NSMutableData alloc] init];
    unsigned char the_byte;
    char byte_chars[3] = {'\0','\0','\0'};
    for (int i=0; i < [hexchar_data length]/2; i++)
        byte_chars[0] = [hexchar_data characterAtIndex:i*2];
        byte_chars[1] = [hexchar_data characterAtIndex:i*2+1];
        the_byte = strtol(byte_chars, NULL, 16);
        [imageData appendBytes:&the_byte length:1];
        NSImage *image = [[NSImage alloc] initWithData:imageData];

2. Images can be scaled before transmission by appending integer width and height parameters - for example:
Note that the aspect ratio of the image will be maintained during scaling; the dimensions you get back may not match the dimensions you requested.

Domain: webtag
Processes the given tag and returns a string with the result.
http://address of machine running WeatherCat:49255/webtag/STAT$TEMPERATURE:CURRENT$

Webtag return values are always strings.

The following webtags are currently supported:

STAT$ tags, so current and statistical data can be retrieved.

JOURNT$ - return the journal text
SUNRISELOCAL$ - local sunrise time
SUNSETLOCAL$ - local sunset time
SUNRISEUTC$ - UTC time of sunrise
SUNSETUTC - UTC time of sunset
DAYLIGHTTIME$ - day light time today
SUNRISELOCAL1$ - sun rise time tomorrow
SUNSETLOCAL1 - sun set time tomorrow
SUNRISEUTC1 - sun rise time tomorrow in UTC
SUNSETUTC1$ - sun set time tomorrow in UTC
DAYLIGHTTIME1$ - daylight time tomorrow
STRECORDS$ - Records stats (formatted text)
STRECENT$ - recent stats (formatted text)
STMONTHLY1$ - monthly stats part 1 (formatted text)
STMONTHLY2$ - monthly stats part 2 (formatted text)
STMONTHLY$ - monthly stats in total (formatted text)
STYEAROVERYEAR - year over year stats (formatted text)
STDAILY$ - daily stats (formatted text)
STTHISMONTHOV$ - this month overview (formatted text)
STLASTMONTHOV$ - last month overview (formatted text)
STNOAAMO$ - this month NOAA report (formatted text)
STNOAAPRMO$ - last month NOAA report (formatted text)
STNOAAYR$ - this year NOAA report (formatted text)
STNOAAPRYR$ - last year NOAA report (formatted text)
BTTEXT$ - baro trend as text
DOMWDTEXT$ - dominant wind direction as text
WINDBEARINGFROM10$ - last 10 mins lowest clockwise bearing
WINDBEARINGTO10$ - last 10 mins highest clockwise bearing
DOMWDDEGREES - dominant wind direction as degrees today
WEATHERFACT$ - return the current weather fact
AT_Aus$ - current Australian apparent temperature.
AT_US$ - current US apparent temperature
HUMIDEX$ - current humidex
WINDROSE8 - wind rose as 8 sectors
WINDROSE45 - wind rose as 45 sectors
CP$ - current potential solar radiation
CC$ - current conditions string
CF$ - current forecast string
CSF$ - current short forecast
CU$ - time of last sample
CD$ - current dew point
CG$ - current wind gust
CP$ - current pressure
CR$ - current rain
CT$ - current temperature
CW$ - current wind speed
CWC$ - current wind chill
CX$ - current wind direction
BD$ - build string
BDL$ - build string, localised
t12s$ - 12 hour time with seconds
t12$ - 12 hour time, no seconds
t24s$ - 24 hour time with seconds
t24$ - 24 hour time, no seconds
da$ - date in the format of month/day/year
de$ - date in the format of day/month/year
UT$ - WeatherCat uptime as a string
RS$ - rain storm value
RSD$ - date of rain storm start
RLD$ - last rain date
RLDi$ - last rain date (ISO format)
Llat$ - latitude of station
Llong$ - longitude of station
Lelevf$ - station elevation in feet
Lelevm$ - station elevation in metres
L$ - station name
DUTC$ - date and time in UTC - yyyy,m,d,h,m,s
D$ - date and time
HEIGHTUNITS$ - string describing the height units - one of Metres of Feet
TEMPUNITS$ - string describing the temperature units - one of ?C or ?F
RAINUNITS$ - string describing the rain units - one of mm or in
WINDRUNUNITS - string describing the wind run units - one of km, miles, NM's or metres
HEIGHTUNITS$ - string describing the height units - one of Feet or Metres
PRESSUREUNIT$ - string describing the pressure units - one of mb, inHg, hPa
WINDSPEEDUNITS$ - string describing the wind speed units - one of km/h, MPH, Knots, m/s
COMMSFAILFLAG$ - set to 1 if comms to station have failed

Domain: help
List the current RCP help.
http://address of machine running WeatherCat:49255/help


  • Strong Breeze
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  • Posts: 235
    • INBRSON2
    • Weatherstation Son en Breugel, The Netherlands
  • Station Details: Davis Vantage Pro2 Wireless, WeatherCat on Mac OS X 10.13.6
Re: WeatherCat Version 3.0.0 Now Available
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2018, 02:59:45 PM »
Congratulations on the new release Stu!  ThU32:-)

The beta has been working flawlessly and I'll definately be getting Version 3.0.
E-mail coming up for the upgrade pricing. ;)


The Grand Poohbah

  • Gale
  • ****
  • Posts: 386
  • Developer of WeatherCat for iOS, tvOS, and watchOS
    • EW6355 KCANEVAD43
    • Hopeful Hill Ranch
  • Station Details: Vantage Pro 2, aspirated, solar radiation, uv, soil temp and moisture
Re: WeatherCat Version 3.0.0 Now Available
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2018, 04:35:02 PM »
WeatherCatRCP is the iOS client of WeatherCat 3.

WeatherCatRCP gives you 13 ways to view your personal weather station data on your iPhone:

Alerts - a list of weather alerts that you have created and their status.
Basic Graphs - 13 graphs of weather data including temperature, wind speed, and precipitation.
Channels - 70 measurements ranging from external temperature to annual rain to communication status.
Classic - 20 channels of weather data in the "classic" WeatherCat for iPhone format.
CTW - Custom Text Windows that you have created in Weather 3.
Custom Graphs - all the custom graphs that you have created in WeatherCat 3.
Dial-A-Stat - hundreds of weather observations for periods ranging from daily to yearly.
Options - tailor the appearance of graphs and images.
Reports - 4 customizable text reports of your weather data and weather conditions.
Settings - select weather data units and which WeatherCat server to use.
System Data - get the status of your weather station and the WeatherCat host software.
Tags - 107 weather measurements including barometric trend, hours of daylight, and forecast.
WebCam - the latest image from your weather station webcam.

You must have installed WeatherCat 3 to use WeatherCatRCP.

WeatherCatRCP will be available for purchase from the Apple App Store in April. In the meantime, you are invited to use WeatherCatRCP free of charge for up to 60 days by joining the WeatherCatRCP Beta Testing group. See for information on how to join the WeatherCatRCP Beta Testing group.


  • Global Moderator
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  • Station Details: Davis Vantage Pro-2, Mac mini (2018), macOS 10.14.3, WeatherCat 3
Thanks Stu and Grand! (Re: WeatherCat Version 3.0.0 Now Available)
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2018, 10:45:27 PM »
Thanks Stu and Grand for WeatherCat 3 and WeatherCatRCP!! 

The pair make weather watching that much more pleasant when inside away from the elements!  :)

Cheers, Edouard  [cheers1]

P.S. Of course WeatherCatRCP could be used out of doors, but . . . . . it's cold wet and miserable out there right now!  [rain2]


  • Storm
  • *****
  • Posts: 3952
    • EW3808
    • Timber Lakes Weather
  • Station Details: Davis Vantage Pro2 Plus | WeatherLinkIP Data Logger | iMac (2019), 3.6 GHz Intel Core i9, 40 GB RAM, macOS Ventura 13.6 | Sharx SCNC2900 Webcam | WeatherCat 3.3 | Supportive Wife
Re: WeatherCat Version 3.0.0 Now Available
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2018, 02:54:29 AM »
Thank you Stu. Version 3 is a very nice upgrade and adds some wonderful new tools and customisation options. I am now running Version 3 on Sierra 10.12.6 after running the betas without issue. You have made what was already the best weather software for MacOS even better! Your development vision and skills are much appreciated by all WeatherCatters.

Grand, thanks for your terrific update to the iOS client, including the app for the Apple Watch. I am running your latest beta on iOS 11.2.6 on my 8+ and also on watchOS 4.2.3 on my Series 2 watch.


  • Gentle Breeze
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  • Posts: 75
    • KCOBRECK14
    • Weather in the Highlands
  • Station Details: Old Davis WMII, Heated Rain Collector, Mac Mini
Re: WeatherCat Version 3.0.0 Now Available
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2018, 05:06:15 PM »
I now have WeatherCat 3 release version installed and running successfully  ThU32:-). I had only one associated issue and now have one question.

The only issue I encountered was with my use of Steel Gauges on my web page ( WC 3 caused the gauges to fail to load on my site. I traced the problem to the formatting of the Version: "BD$" tag at the bottom of the realtimegaugesWC.txt template file. Apparently, WC 3 returns the new version info including an additional, new "(64-bit)" parenthetical. Something in the formatting of how WC 3 populates the BD$ tag caused Steel Gauges js & css files to gag. Removing the BD$ tag and just inserting "3.00" as fixed text solve the issue. This problem may be caused in part due to my continuing use of Steel Gauges v2.4.2 since it ran fine for my purposes and I had the attitude of "if it's not broken, don't fix it" with respect to updating all the js file info in a newer version, so this issue may not occur in more recent Steel Gauges versions. I'll have to get around to updating it eventually!

Now the question: prior version of WC included a Mac OS WeatherCat Client that allowed the WC Gauges window to be displayed on a remote Mac. It was not included in the WC 3 dmg file. The older version 1.6.1 still works fine; however, it is a 32 bit app. Does anyone know if Stu has plans to update the app to 64 bit before "time runs out" for 32 bit apps?

The Grand Poohbah

  • Gale
  • ****
  • Posts: 386
  • Developer of WeatherCat for iOS, tvOS, and watchOS
    • EW6355 KCANEVAD43
    • Hopeful Hill Ranch
  • Station Details: Vantage Pro 2, aspirated, solar radiation, uv, soil temp and moisture
Re: WeatherCat Version 3.0.0 Now Available
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2018, 05:22:48 PM »
Does anyone know if Stu has plans to update the app to 64 bit before "time runs out" for 32 bit apps?

Yes. It is my understanding that Stu plans to do an OS X client update for 64-bit.


  • Storm
  • *****
  • Posts: 3952
    • EW3808
    • Timber Lakes Weather
  • Station Details: Davis Vantage Pro2 Plus | WeatherLinkIP Data Logger | iMac (2019), 3.6 GHz Intel Core i9, 40 GB RAM, macOS Ventura 13.6 | Sharx SCNC2900 Webcam | WeatherCat 3.3 | Supportive Wife
Re: WeatherCat Version 3.0.0 Now Available
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2018, 06:02:47 PM »

I have been using the SteelSeries Gauges for 5 years and when I upgraded to WC3 I had no issue with the build name displaying correctly. However, I suspect you are correct about using the older version of the gauges. I am using SteelSeries 2.6.3. If you want to update, the wiki is up to date for that version. The most recent release of SteelSeries is 2.6.4 and that version is updated for using SSL to secure your site via https. I haven't updated because I have SSL working fine with my tweaked edition of 2.6.3.

SteelSeries has some nice improvements since the version you are using. Several reporting accuracy errors have been fixed, a Cloud Base gauge was added, auto-scaling is improved, mobile phone display is improved, easier implementation of SSL, and other fun stuff.

By the way, I have always loved the graphic on your weather page. Very clever.



  • Gentle Breeze
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  • Posts: 75
    • KCOBRECK14
    • Weather in the Highlands
  • Station Details: Old Davis WMII, Heated Rain Collector, Mac Mini
Re: WeatherCat Version 3.0.0 Now Available
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2018, 09:55:35 PM »
Thanks Blick,

I really do need to hunker down and update my SteelSeries files. There's barely enough snow here in Breckenridge to make it worth skiing, so perhaps it's time to get on with it. Hope you have better conditions over in Utah!

Thanks for the kudos on my weather page. It's pretty basic and simple compared to most but the wine bottle does garner it's share of comments! It was just a standard site template that was compatible with Sandvox, which I used to create the site.



  • Gentle Breeze
  • **
  • Posts: 75
    • KCOBRECK14
    • Weather in the Highlands
  • Station Details: Old Davis WMII, Heated Rain Collector, Mac Mini
Re: WeatherCat Version 3.0.0 Now Available
« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2018, 03:40:50 PM »
Ok Blick,

You nudged and shamed me into getting off my lazy "can" and updating my steel gauges to v2.6.4  [cheers1]

It took me a while to sort out the changes I'd made to the older 2.4.2 .js file several years ago, but I've now joined the modern world. Thanks.



  • Storm
  • *****
  • Posts: 3952
    • EW3808
    • Timber Lakes Weather
  • Station Details: Davis Vantage Pro2 Plus | WeatherLinkIP Data Logger | iMac (2019), 3.6 GHz Intel Core i9, 40 GB RAM, macOS Ventura 13.6 | Sharx SCNC2900 Webcam | WeatherCat 3.3 | Supportive Wife
Re: WeatherCat Version 3.0.0 Now Available
« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2018, 04:35:54 PM »
Hey Rick:

I am proud of you!! Nothing says you are a professional-grade back yard weather enthusiast like a brand new set of SteelSeries gauges on your site. Nicely done sir.


  • Gale
  • ****
  • Posts: 439
  • Station Details: Davis VP-2 Plus, FARS, WeatherLink IP. Sharx cams.
Re: WeatherCat Version 3.0.0 Now Available
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2018, 12:29:38 PM »
Noticed something interesting the morning I switched from the final developmental build to the 3.0.0 shipping version. Note the attacted screenshot, starting at 0744 hours (from the top), external temperatures suddenly start being recorded with a "9" in the hundredth's column for a short period. And then at 0839, we suddenly jump back to 0744 hours. Yet when we jump back, the temps are slightly different!

However, all's well after the midnight rollover to the 22nd.

I'll forward raw data to the developer team after I've had a chance to go back and look at what happened when I loaded the previous developmental versions. Maybe I just missed the anomoly since it was short lived. Or maybe it didn't happen before. Or maybe it's tied to the High Sierra 10.13.4 beta.

Anyone else care to go back and see what happened when their 3.0.0 shipping version was loaded?


  • Storm
  • *****
  • Posts: 3952
    • EW3808
    • Timber Lakes Weather
  • Station Details: Davis Vantage Pro2 Plus | WeatherLinkIP Data Logger | iMac (2019), 3.6 GHz Intel Core i9, 40 GB RAM, macOS Ventura 13.6 | Sharx SCNC2900 Webcam | WeatherCat 3.3 | Supportive Wife
Re: WeatherCat Version 3.0.0 Now Available
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2018, 04:57:56 PM »
Thanks for the heads up Felix. I've had a look at my data and found the same anomaly you describe. At 2:14 PM, the time stamp reverts to 1:17 PM, but with a different external temperature than the previous 1:17 PM record. Also, from the second iteration of 1:17 PM, I have only zeroes in the hundredths field. Prior to then, I have digits in the hundredths field for months whilst running various development builds. According to my WC data log, I started running the 3.0.0 shipping version on 16 March at 1:17 PM. The data log looks perfectly normal; the anomaly only shows up in the Data Viewer/Editor. Stu is out of town for the weekend so we'll just have to wait until he gets a chance to look at this upon his return. Good catch Felix!


  • Gentle Breeze
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  • Posts: 75
    • KCOBRECK14
    • Weather in the Highlands
  • Station Details: Old Davis WMII, Heated Rain Collector, Mac Mini
Re: WeatherCat Version 3.0.0 Now Available
« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2018, 07:08:42 PM »
I believe there is a bug in how WC3 displays or returns the longitude of a station location in NOAA reports and using at least the STNOAAMO$ & STNOAAYR$ NOAA report tags. Since I'm not sure whether this is new to WC3, I've posted complete details in the Bug Forum at



  • Strong Breeze
  • ***
  • Posts: 235
    • INBRSON2
    • Weatherstation Son en Breugel, The Netherlands
  • Station Details: Davis Vantage Pro2 Wireless, WeatherCat on Mac OS X 10.13.6
Re: WeatherCat Version 3.0.0 Now Available
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2018, 12:16:19 PM »
FYI - I browsed through a week worth of data and could not see the issue Blick and Felix reported. Not sure if it matters but I am using 24hr time format and adaptive sampling.

WC 3.0.0 (build 2224) on a Mac Mini with MacOS Sierra (10.12.6).
