Author Topic: The Coming U.S. Election  (Read 8950 times)

Bull Winkus

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The Coming U.S. Election
« on: August 20, 2016, 10:36:16 PM »
As everyone knows the United States is working its way to yet another presidential election. This one is different. It is getting quite panicky over here. I've been doing a lot of research, and I thought I'd offer a breakdown for all of my friends on Trixology.

A Little Background (edited for terminology correction - August 22, 2016):
The British Exit vote has opened eyes over here. The word is getting out, albeit slowly. (Too slowly in my humble opinion) We know that hedge fund billionaire, George Soros is behind a lot of events around the western and middle eastern world that seem almost too incredible to believe. I think he was depending on deniability through implausibility to pull this off before the public catches on. He has been using his ill gotten billions to grease governments around the world in two projects of his. 1. The Great Islamite (yeah, I know it's a corruption of the proper term) Diaspora. 2. Destruction of democratic sovereignty through multi-national trade agreements.

The European Union was just a trial run. However it exemplifies his methods and objectives. He greases support through heads of state, and with the promise of wealth through free trade, he convinces them to sign onto agreements to trade union rules that sometimes have little to do with trade and more to do with protecting the union. All the while, democratically voted upon laws are swept away and supplanted by trade union laws that are drawn up in secret without any public scrutiny. Once signed, the trade agreement is difficult to exit. Kudos to Great Britain for breaking their shackles with the E.U.! It was the right thing to do!

Next, Soros is pushing for a secret trade agreement referred to as TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership), and several others. Is there no end to this madness? TPP is being spearheaded out of Australia, since multi-national corporations in Australia would stand to benefit the most. Most interesting is one of the provisions of the treaty gives corporations the right to sue, both individuals and governments, for lost future profits. So, any attempt to reign in corporate greed, is easily nullified by their ability to collect damages in court. Not the established court of the land, but a court system defined in the treaty. Their own court. The whole idea behind these treaties is to shift power to corporations and grant them access to markets without restrictions.

Less clear as to his motivations is his actions in paying huge sums of money to get heads of state to agree to accept Islamite refugees, many of whom really aren't refugees at all. They carry with them a culture that is ancient, barbaric, and completely incompatible with modern day democracies. They believe in honor killings, decapitation, stoning and dismemberment as acceptable forms of punishment. They want marriage contracts with children, consummation of marriage with 9 year old girls to be acceptable, and the acceptance of keeping women, prisoners in their own home, without education or freedom of choice in any aspect of their lives. And, they have no interest in changing any of that. Any democratic political power gained by them would be used to force their ideology on the rest of the populace. And, they breed their captive women like rats, with the birth rate averaging 8 per woman, sometimes with multiple wives. It is perhaps why they place no value on the life of the individual, because in such a society lost lives are so quickly replaced.

In the U.S. we are becoming aware that both Obama, the Clintons, Paul Ryan, and many others in both political parties have been corrupted by the billionaire's money. Against the will of the people, Obama has already started importing Islamites to number around 10,000 before the election. Hillary is already calling for as many as 60K. We know about the problems in the European nations. We know that The Clinton Foundation has been used as a clearing house for money for guns shipments to our enemies, and for pay to play influence peddling. We also know that it is only the tip of the iceberg. The Clintons have many such foundations with money in multiple currencies spread around in banks all over the world. They know that at some point they will have to flee the country. We know that our corporate owned mainstream media can't be trusted to tell us the truth about this election or these issues. They are in sympathetic action with George Soros.

Hillary's popularity is being faked in the polls presented by mainstream media. So, it follows that they expect to be able to fake the election as well. One of our fears is that they may decide to assassinate Donald Trump. Yes friends, it is that bad.

I have posted numerous videos that support what I've revealed here, on my Facebook timeline. Many are also posted to a closed group called, Friends Who Support Donald Trump for President. You'll have to join the group to view posts there. If you have trouble believing any of it, as most anyone would, I suggest you give it a browse and watch a few, but be forewarned. This is gut wrenching! It is just so hard to believe that so many can be corrupted by greed at the same time. Yet here it is, and the facts all fits together perfectly from multiple sources; revelations from emails, wikileaks, etc? If it is so easy for me, a retired idiot hillbilly in the heartland to find out all of this, then the FBI and CIA must have way more on them than this! Where's the prosecutors? Where is the country's defense, the FBI, CIA and NSA? Why has this president not been dragged into the streets and shot? It defies imagination!



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Re: The Coming U.S. Election
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2016, 10:48:51 PM »
If it's on the Internet, it must be true?!
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Bull Winkus

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Re: The Coming U.S. Election
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2016, 10:49:53 PM »
Absolutely not!



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The ills are ultimately within us. (Re: The Coming U.S. Election)
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2016, 11:18:21 PM »
Dear Herb, X-Air, and WeatherCat concerned citizens of the world.

I have posted numerous videos that support what I've revealed here on my Facebook timeline.

Before you get too far, consider that I cannot view your videos unless I join Facebook - is that how an open and free Internet should exist?  I'm afraid your cast of villains is way too short.

In the U.S. we are becoming aware that both Obama, the Clintons, Paul Ryan, and many others in both political parties have been corrupted by the billionaire's money.

I'm definitely worried about corruption, but I fear that bribes weren't necessary.  It appears to me that there has been serious misconduct in the Obama administration and this misconduct has not received the sort of proper investigation that broke the Watergate case.  Had this been a Republican administration would the press have been so meek?  I fear the problems are much worse than you imagine precisely because no conspiracy is necessary.  At the root of our country's and the world's problems is a moral crisis.  If people think they have reasonable chance of getting away with it - they try.  Even when they are caught, they usually leave a trail of destruction in their wake.

As everyone knows the United States is working its way to yet another presidential election. This one is different. It is getting quite panicky over here. I've been doing a lot of research, and I thought I'd offer a breakdown for all of my friends on Trixology.

Honestly Herb, is Donald Trump competent enough to be president?  I want to give him the benefit of the doubt, but he keeps demonstrating his incompetence.  Both political parties have utterly failed to fulfill their duties are institutions of democracy.  They failed to select competent leaders who could deal with the many crises we are facing.  Honestly, I don't know if Abraham Lincoln had the leadership skills to get us out of today's problems.

In the end democracy is failing because the building blocks of the system no longer take their role seriously - the voters themselves.  The country should be close to revolution given the political situation we are facing.  Most voters appear not to give a damn . . . .  With an attitude like that, I suspect a good many are about be damned in a way that has been foretold, but apparently, lot and lots of people have insisted upon facing anyway.


Bull Winkus

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Re: The Coming U.S. Election
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2016, 02:27:48 AM »
OK, I forgot about the restrictions of Facebook membership. Sorry. It has been the focal point of my efforts in tracking the storm, so it is where I have assimilated my enormous fact finding archive. I didn't want to burden the Trixology BBS with that much on the subject, so I simply linked. A FB account is free and easily had, and you don't have to populate it with anything about yourself. I may, at some time, start a government corruption thread on Silicon Investor, where reading is open, and limited posting is as well. I'll keep you posted if that develops.

There is no one video that brings it all together, like a National Geographic Special. And, it would take too long to link the dozens of source videos here with descriptions. However, I can throw you a bone to chew on in the form of some that talk about Hillary's money laundering apparatus, The Clinton Foundation, and the activities of hedge fund billionaire George Soros. The text below is my FB description accompanying the videos.

Part 1
We all should know that the Secretary of State job is a political plumb handed out by the President for the highest level of support. Of course, the reason it is such a plumb is because it can be so lucrative!
The Clinton Foundation is the festering boil on Hillary's Presidential face. The voters need to demand a full public audit be forthcoming, or vow never a vote for Hillary!

Of course, she can't allow that. It would expose her as not only pay for play Hillary, but as arms dealer Hillary as well. And then there's that major tax deduction. Hillary donates to Clinton Foundation, a tax free charity that probably keeps around 90% of its donations. "You go girl!" the Clinton acolytes chortle.

And, what this with George Soros? A million here; a million there. All to support the Great Diaspora of Islamist immigrants. He gave Hillary $25,000,000 to be his puppet. I wonder how much he graced Obama under the felt cloth with a whisper. It had to be more. He's the POTUS!

"Clinton Foundation Donors Links Corruption Of The State Department To Her Wallet" Part 2

I examined this video and was unable to refute any of its sticking points. This man needs to be stopped! Can we bring back the firing squad, just for treasonous presidents?

From August 5th. Questions, questions, questions!

Honestly Herb, is Donald Trump competent enough to be president?  I want to give him the benefit of the doubt, but?

The real question is are we competent enough to choose him over Hillary Clinton, a very well documented corrupt politician? Trump is genuine. He may be amateur when it comes to politics. He may not speak political-ese, but he has not been part of the TPP fraud, nor the Islamist importation fraud, nor the guns for ISIS fraud, nor the pay to play influence peddling fraud, nor does he have money in the billions stashed away in private foundations around the world for when the doomsday hammer hits the U.S.

I really didn't start this thread to cheerlead Trump. I just wanted the scope of the matter to be out in the open, for discussion. Because, this is a world crisis that affects us all.


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Re: The Coming U.S. Election
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2016, 02:22:39 PM »
Thanks for the political rant Bull, started giving up at repeated mentions of England instead of Britain. Read through the first post but had enough by then, your welcome to Trump in my opinion.



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Re: The Coming U.S. Election
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2016, 02:32:24 PM »
So, you like graphics?
I suppose you also want "change"? [banghead] You can satisfy all the people some of the time. You can satisfy some of the people all the time. But you can never satisfy all the people all the time.
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Why not write in: "None of Above"? (Re: The Coming U.S. Election)
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2016, 10:19:07 PM »
Dear Herb, JC, X-Air, and WeatherCat disappointed political observers,

I don't think citizens of the United States should accept either candidate and they should be proud to have said no to both.  What makes my blood boil is that there is no organized movement to make that happen.  There was this National Review article from all the way back in May:

Yet, a movement to write in "None of Above" so far hasn't materialized.  What's wrong with people?  The polls are clear.  A majority of people don't want either candidate.  A "None of Above" write in campaign should appeal to wide range of business, academic, religious and other responsible people.  We need a leader and a fundraising effort to get the word out.  If someone with name recognition would lead, I suspect "None of Above" could easily win the election with a landslide.

It certainly would send a message to the political establishment that effectively they are fired and better start over from scratch.  It might send another message to the world that is most desperately needed at this time.  It would be effectively a revolution with the institutions of democracy and the rule of law.  We desperately need such revolutions to break the grip of the establishment, but we need to do it within the rule of law.

Sadly that brings me back to my previous post.  Where are those responsible leaders who should be stepping forward to make this happen?  :(



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Re: The Coming U.S. Election
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2016, 11:47:43 PM »
I'm no legal scholar (nor much of one on any other subject!) but I don't think the election system (Electoral College) would care about "None of the Above" votes. The people actually selecting the "winner" are already pledged to each of the contestants. So...
The candidate who receives an absolute majority of electoral votes (currently 270) for the office of president or of vice president is elected to that office.
Of course, it's possible for an 'elector' to disavow his pledge, but I'm not sure that has ever happened. There have been times when the House of Representatives or the Senate have been called upon to select the President or the Vice-President. By then, of course, we're talking about politicians with 538 axes to grind! [rolleyes2] [banghead]

I suspect that Trump has smoothed enough feathers in the past few days to solidify his base. At least I've heard he has 'nailed down' his 1% support from a certain group of voters who have voted Democratic the last 20+ years. I won't be surprised to see him return to his previous behaviors, however. [lol] "If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's not a President." A. Nonney Muss
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Bull Winkus

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Re: The Coming U.S. Election
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2016, 11:51:15 PM »
Forget about Trump! That's not the message I was trying to share. Sorry about the use of England instead of Britain. I forget sometimes about the distinction, even though I understand it. In my mind, when I think about the island nation, I universally mean Britain. But, sometimes I slip and refer to England as though the terms were synonymous. Again, my apologies. I said I was "a retired idiot hillbilly in the heartland." Please, cut me some slack.

My message is that we are all being undone by a maniacal billionaire with an agenda to replace democratic regional government with a single world government of corporate rule, and to covertly entrap us all under creeping acceptance of Sharia law. Australia has already passed an anti blasphemy against Islam, law. Doesn't that indicate something is wrong here?

OK, Hillary and Obama are our problem, but George Soros and his globalist, Islamist agenda is everyone's problem.

Xair, you insult me. You trivialize me when you trivialize my heartfelt message. I don't like that, but I'm cutting you some slack, because all of this is very hard to believe. It took me quite a while to come around, myself. But, the facts stack up the same when viewed from any angle at any field of view or magnification. What the heads of state in the EU, Australia and the U.S. are doing without the will of their constituents, in concert with one another is monstrous! Have you seen what is going on in Germany under Angela Merkel, after bringing in so many refugees? And, Sweden is not even Sweden anymore.



In this video WikiLeaks' Julian Assange talks about the TPP, being drafted in secret with no public scrutiny, and once in place, they are very difficult to get rid of.

Bull Winkus

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Re: The Coming U.S. Election
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2016, 12:13:47 AM »
Edouard, that's exactly how I approached the news that we were being asked to choose between Hillary and Trump! I was aghast that the two political parties could end up settling down to those two choices. But since then, I've learned that the candidate for both parties have been pre-selected by our shadow government for every election as far back as the 60's. The shadow government I refer to is 3 political action and lobbying committees called The Trilateral Alliance, The Council on Foreign Affairs, and The Bilderberg Group. George Soros is prominent in Bilderberg. He may be in one or both the others as well.

The Degeneration of Society - Personally, I can do without the profanity in this video, but I utterly understand the outrage that invokes it. Good report! I firmly believe that some cultures should be recognized as acutely primitive, holding their traditions and values at arms length and perhaps attached to a long stick when being examined by our court systems in meting out punishment for infringement of civilized law.


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Re: The Coming U.S. Election
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2016, 12:19:45 AM »
Absolutely no insult intended, to anyone. I am guilty as charged: Trivializing important Matters. I am ready to accept the consequences of my actions.

Thanks for the slack, I was actually born on a small ridge in Arkansas! But I do enjoy the red sunsets we see in western Tennessee caused by the Sun bouncing off many "Arky rednecks"! I think you live too far north (and probably down in a valley) from here to add any of that color for us.

I've not been too active in politics since college when I helped show Mr. Orval Faubus the exit door. [tup] That lack of activity is probably part of the problem we are facing.
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Re: The Coming U.S. Election
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2016, 01:22:27 AM »
 [cold]   Must be a slow day in the world of wacky weather [snow]
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Bull Winkus

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Re: The Coming U.S. Election
« Reply #13 on: August 22, 2016, 02:41:58 AM »
Well, thanks to you both for the brief levity break. I know I needed it. These issues have been raising my blood pressure a bit lately.

In this video, Published on Aug 13, 2016, Alex Jones breaks down how Goldman Sachs and the UN are using a wave of Islamic migrants to destroy the sovereignty of Western Nations. In another source, I managed to see the leaked documents that substantiated what he is saying. If I run across it again, I'll link it here.

Note that many video essays on these events are released using Facebook servers, so linking them here wont work for those who do not have a FB account. Hence, I'll refrain from linking those.

Bull Winkus

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Re: The Coming U.S. Election
« Reply #14 on: August 22, 2016, 03:34:57 AM »
OK, just one more video for today, because this one, released August 15, 2016, explains so much that affects E.U. and Britain.

Wikileaks - TPP, TTIP y TISA explained.