Author Topic: Adjust Humidity Reading?  (Read 4154 times)


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Adjust Humidity Reading?
« on: September 02, 2012, 01:52:29 PM »
I have been looking at other OSX Weather Programs and find 1 that does have the ability to OFFSET a Temp or Humidity Reading.
With my Setup and after Salt testing the Sensor for my WMR968 I would Really Like to see the ability to OFFSET the Humidity.
I'd think this would be a normal type thing to bring all the Data closer to Accurate. In the Salt test, my Sensor showed -%18 on RH.
Inside my Humidor I'd found a place that lets it get to within %8-9 of actual RH..
The Ability to use an offset in the Reading would be a GODSEND!...

(( Here is one that will allow an offset, just to give a Link: ))


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Re: Adjust Humidity Reading?
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2012, 08:15:44 PM »
It's been on the todo list for a long time time Jeff and is on its way.


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Re: Adjust Humidity Reading?
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2012, 04:28:32 PM »
SO many THANKS!..............
Just looking at the Cost of getting a New Davis VP2, and the Added Sensor, Software and WOW!.. Getting scared at the cost.
The Only Troubles I have with my WMR968 is the Humidity Readings being so far off as to be Useless..


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Davis intended for "pros" (Re: Adjust Humidity Reading?)
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2012, 09:17:20 PM »
Hi Jeff and WeatherCat fans,

Just looking at the Cost of getting a New Davis VP2, and the Added Sensor, Software and WOW!.. Getting scared at the cost.

Yup, you need to be really committed to join the Davis club.  Davis is something of an infuriating company.  They have really great products and if they made some moves toward more mass production, I think they could easily make their products closer to the prices of their rivals.

However, Davis is a small private company that doesn't really cater to us individuals.  The main market is universities, research labs, government bureaus, etc.  That's why the product line is so expandable.  As an example, check out this Davis eNewsletter article: 5-Station Ranch Network Challenges Master Installer.

Since Davis doesn't sell a lot of this unique equipment, they have to charge more for it and their "bread and butter" customers can afford it (or it doesn't get done.)  I'm sure the corporate owners of Davis like their mix of customers and don't want to be too dependent on the individual consumer market - it is too fickle.  The high-price tag of Davis hardware enhances their prestige and obviously is good for their bottom line.

So sorry, that doesn't help you fork out da' bucks . . . . However, that may help you understand why Davis is as they are.

Cheers, Edouard  [cheers1]


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Re: Adjust Humidity Reading?
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2012, 12:19:42 PM »
As you guys know I have been a long term Oregon 968 user and I have been very happy with it. I agree that the adjustment of the values in the Cat will be amazing, but I have been doing it manually since I started entering the data in to my data base. A dilemma though has arisen, inasmuch as Ambient no longer have the anemometer in stock. I only have one backup and several sets of bearings and reed switches, and thus my system is now on the point of being obsolete. Davis is well beyond my means, at least the ro one which is the only one that would serve my needs. I have my own professional station, but that doesn't interface with the Cat. So what to do next? The Oregon together with the Cat allows me to do things like post data online, something I cannot do with my Labjack setup. I am unwilling to go for the cheaper stations as they will not do the job. So what thoughts have you guys got? I have a little time before the station is truly in the bin, and second hand supplies are still available at a price. Edouards comments about Davis, whilst true, do not encourage me to believe I can ever afford one. I have tried interfacing a Davis anemometer with the Oregon, like my rain gauge, but so far no success with that one.
Clearly I am no longer alone as there are now some more of us Oregon folk on the Forum, so I believe an important question, perhaps one that should have its own topic, but its here now.

Best wishes



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New Oregon stations look "old" (Re: Adjust Humidity Reading?)
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2012, 10:36:35 PM »
Hi Mike and WeatherCat fans,

Wish I could offer you more than sympathy over this dilemma. 

As you guys know I have been a long term Oregon 968 user and I have been very happy with it. . . . .  thus my system is now on the point of being obsolete.

I certainly wish you weren't in this pickle, but I think WeatherCat feels a little "dated" as well since it only supports products from Oregon and LeCrosse that have long since been discontinued.

However, I just looked at the Oregon Website and to my surprise the accessories for their latest stations are the same as for the 968.  Their current "professional station" The WMR100 does use a USB interface, but it might generate very much the same sort of data as the old 968 since the circuitry inside is probably similar to work with the old sensors.

Still just killed 40 hours to support another station, I don't know if he would warm up to taking something else on.  It might be more appealing though if he could just modestly modify the current 968 driver to support the new WMR100.

Davis is well beyond my means, at least the ro one which is the only one that would serve my needs.

Perhaps you should try to cobble together a Davis station the eBay way?  While your station is getting old, it still works.  Perhaps you could try to collect enough component from broken Davis stations so that you could eventually replace the 968 with a Davis made from parts.  That's certainly one way to try to get around the high costs.

Sorry, don't know what else to suggest.

Cheers, Edouard


  • Strong Breeze
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Re: Adjust Humidity Reading?
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2012, 12:19:52 AM »
Thanks for your thoughts Edouard, very much my own. Really not keen on the new Oregon stations as they look quite flimsy to me. I am watching the ebay like a hawk to find old Oregon and indeed Davis kit. The latter though is still VERY pricey even second hand. I might be able to get around the problem by using a Davis anemometer interfaced with the Oregon. After all they are both tripped by reed switches. However, the Oregon system has electronics built into the head so it is a little more tricky. Still have some time, I hope, to think this through. Small possibility that I could buy a cabled Davis Pro2 from your side of the water and ask my brother to bring it over on his next trip. The wireless ones cannot be used over here as they have a different frequency. Over here they are upwards of $800 for the cabled version, so I could make a considerable saving. Could do even more by just getting the station, interface and thermometer as I already have a rain gauge and anemometer. Not often just those bits come along though on their own. I know that Stu has suggested 1-wire may be on his agenda, but as you rightly say he has just spent a week adding a new station, I guess it will be a long way down the agenda now.
Well there are some things to be going at at the moment, just seen a complete almost new, 968 station for around $160. Not sure whether I want to spend that amount of money when I may only need part of the kit.

Best wishes



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Re: Adjust Humidity Reading?
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2012, 12:13:57 PM »
AS for Davis, my Trouble is, I'd need a $250 Sensor to add inside a Humidor and there Specs. show it to be -+%3, whild OS shows -+%6..
So on top of the Cost of the Station itself, and added indoor Sensor is needed, also a USB adapter from them?
I agree, just a simple adjustment on the Software to show the corrected information would be good here.
Also going out to CWOP/ APRS etc..


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Re: Adjust Humidity Reading?
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2012, 11:26:23 AM »
THANKS Stu, Working Great in hte New Build, the Calibration setting are the best thing since Sliced Bread!..


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Re: Adjust Humidity Reading?
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2012, 06:50:16 PM »
Good to know  :) Thanks Jeff.