Author Topic: Synology NAS....  (Read 8045 times)


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Synology NAS....
« on: November 07, 2017, 11:16:02 AM »
I'm taking a Guess this would be the Forum to ADD my Question?..
Hey ALL, Hope everyone is good. I have 2 or 3 Synology NAS here running and was going to put my
Web-Page on the one in particular, I have WeatherCat feeding a folder on the Mac-Mini for the Page.
Would (or has anyone Thought) of how you might integrate or get the Data to a NAS or Run WeatherCat on the
NAS for something like this? The Main Idea would be to eliminate the Mac-Mini and just have the NAS run the page I guess?
YES, Even the mini is room in here I'm Running out of as bad as that sounds...
THANKS ALL, and hope Thanksgiving, Christmas, Boxing-Day, Etc. are all good for everyone..


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A bit over our heads (Re: Synology NAS....)
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2017, 01:00:33 AM »
Dear Jeff and WeatherCat "avant-garde" types,

I'm taking a Guess this would be the Forum to ADD my Question?..
Hey ALL, Hope everyone is good. I have 2 or 3 Synology NAS here running and was going to put my
Web-Page on the one in particular, I have WeatherCat feeding a folder on the Mac-Mini for the Page.

Okay lets pause a bit to allow people to catch up.  NAS stands for (I believe) Network Attached Storage.  Here is the Wikipedia article about it:

Just in case anyone is in the market for such a thing here is the Synology page for selecting such a device:

The smallest device they sell is designed for 1-10 users and less than 12 TB of storage space.  So this is a substantial device that will cost you on the order of $200 before you install any disk space.  I don't know how many of us are into this sort of serious network storage.

Would (or has anyone Thought) of how you might integrate or get the Data to a NAS or Run WeatherCat on the
NAS for something like this? The Main Idea would be to eliminate the Mac-Mini and just have the NAS run the page I guess?
YES, Even the mini is room in here I'm Running out of as bad as that sounds...

WeatherCat is designed as a standard Mac application and stores it data as Apple has insisted in their user-interface specifications.  It doesn't have any way to put either web pages or data on a drive outside of the Mac it is running on.  The only potential exception to this is if you are running an SQL server.  I believe the server can be anywhere on your network and WeatherCat would be able to access it.  However, that would indeed require you to come up with a completely different web page generation mechanism.  I'm sure that can be done but you'll have to decide if that is worth your effort especially when WeatherCat has some very nice web templates already available.  Of course you can move data using UNIX scripts and do this fast enough so that your servers have data as fast as WeatherCat generates it.

However, before going to such extremes perhaps a bit of common sense is worth applying.  I have 8 years worth of WeatherCat data and that totals to less than 1 GB of disk space.  All other files are temporary and the disk space does get reused.  WeatherCat really doesn't seem like the sort of application where moving the data to an central server makes much sense.  Any modern hard drive has more than enough space to handle all your weather station processing need.  Why make the actual processing of weather data more complicated than is really practical?  I'm sure you'll find plenty of other uses for your NAS devices.

THANKS ALL, and hope Thanksgiving, Christmas, Boxing-Day, Etc. are all good for everyone..

Well I do hope you don't mind getting a reply before "turkey day," and for most of us this is getting a bit ahead of things.  ;)  As for me, I will express my disappointment that the second-coming did not occur before this year's start of the Curse of Oak Island television series.  I'm still cautiously hopeful that things will be straightened out in an absolutely miraculously way and soon!   At this point there doesn't seem to be any realistic alternative!  [banghead]

Cheers, Edouard  [cheers1]


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Re: A bit over our heads (Re: Synology NAS....)
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2017, 03:44:56 AM »
The smallest device they sell is designed for 1-10 users and less than 12 TB of storage space.  So this is a substantial device that will cost you on the order of $200 before you install any disk space.  I don't know how many of us are into this sort of serious network storage.

I know of several individuals who have a Synology NAS. My little brother has one attached to their home computer in a closet, that's used by everyone in the house for movies, music, redundant backup, security camera archive, etc. Lots of modern devices need lost of storage and backup. And having RAID spread across a few drives gives a better chance of recovery if things got pear shaped.
Steve - Avon, Ohio, USA

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  • Strong Breeze
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Re: Synology NAS....
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2017, 12:36:05 PM »
Your can certainly mount disk space from the NAS to your weathercat mac.  If your WeatherCat data directory is created on that mounted NAS disk space it would be protected from loss if a disk failed (since the NAS is redundant with its mirrored disks).

Yes, I have a synology but I don't use it that way.



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Definitely interesting for backup and big data (Re: Synology NAS....)
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2017, 12:54:31 AM »
Dear Steve, nowait, and WeatherCat "sys-admins,"

I know of several individuals who have a Synology NAS. My little brother has one attached to their home computer in a closet, that's used by everyone in the house for movies, music, redundant backup, security camera archive, etc. Lots of modern devices need lost of storage and backup. And having RAID spread across a few drives gives a better chance of recovery if things got pear shaped.

Yes, I can see the value of these devices as disk servers and there is no doubt that RAID setups are less vulnerable to disk crashes.  However, these devices can hold huge amounts of data and WeatherCat data isn't that sort of huge data source.  So my point was that perhaps this wasn't a particularly good use for a NAS.  As you say, there are plenty of applications that are very hungry for disk space.

Your can certainly mount disk space from the NAS to your weathercat mac.  If your WeatherCat data directory is created on that mounted NAS disk space it would be protected from loss if a disk failed (since the NAS is redundant with its mirrored disks).

This can also be done but is tricky because WeatherCat stores data in the Library directory of your home folder as Apple expects.  There are ways to get around this, but it is a bit clumsy.  If one is really concerned about one's weather data, it would probably be better to have your Mac using a RAID hard drive so that the data is protected all the time.  Those of us who have Davis and many other stations already have substantial backup with the data logger.  In addition, one should have a backup strategy so that one is unlikely to lose more than a fraction of a day of data.  Between that and a data logger, that is very robust protection against losing weather data.

Cheers, Edouard


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Re: Synology NAS....
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2018, 01:27:32 AM »
HELLO  je reprend ce vieux post  , car j'aimerai faire mon site web sur mon synology
mais je n'arrive pas a configurer le ftp weathercat
ip synology 192.168.1.XXX
user admin
pwd xxxxxxx
dossier: /web
sous dossier  /weathercat
j'ai essayer dans le logiciel
cela indique erreur ftp !!!
HELLO I take this old post, because I would like to make my website on my synology
but I can not configure the weathercat ftp
ip synology 192.168.1.XXX
user admin
pwd xxxxxxx
folder: / web
under folder / weathercat
I try in the software
this indicates ftp error !!!


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Is directory real or virtual? (Re: Synology NAS....)
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2018, 10:32:49 PM »
Dear meteo-thenioux and WeatherCat troubleshooters,

HELLO I take this old post, because I would like to make my website on my synology
but I can not configure the weathercat ftp
ip synology 192.168.1.XXX
user admin
pwd xxxxxxx
folder: / web
under folder / weathercat
I try in the software
this indicates ftp error !!!

Unfortunately, I don't see any obvious problem that would cause an error.  The one guess I have is that your /web/weathercat/ directory isn't actually at the root of your device.  Could you check how the file system on you synology device creates the web directory?  The other things to look at is the error messages in the WeatherCat logs.  There might be some additional information that might indicate the cause.

Please keep us updated on your progress.



  • Gentle Breeze
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Re: Synology NAS....
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2018, 03:02:49 PM »
perfect I modify the access rights at the folder / web / weathercat / the base site is well to load and updated (stupid error on my part)