Author Topic: Wind direction (unconnected) dot graph  (Read 4243 times)


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Wind direction (unconnected) dot graph
« on: July 22, 2012, 12:29:29 AM »
Dear Trixology, I am hoping for a wind direction graph that displays dots for the average wind direction.  More specifically, I don't want the dots to be connected in any way, like the way implements wind direction graphs.  The reason I ask this is because the dominant wind direction in my area is from the north and when the wind direction alternates between NW, N, and NE, it makes for a very messy graph indeed!

My second hope (and a much lower priority hope) is that one day we will have a tag that can display the number of days in a month (and the previous month) that the temperature exceeds a user-supplied temperature. For example, how many days this month did the temperature exceed 40?C (which believe it or not happens on a regular basis in my town)?  This feature would be similar in to the way Weathercat already can count the number of frost days in a month.

Thanks for a fantastic program, I only wish I had found this program three years ago having suffered through Davis's miserable excuse for software.


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Re: Wind direction (unconnected) dot graph
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2012, 09:12:48 PM »
Dear Matt and WeatherCat fans,  [cat]

Our fearless leader (Stuart Ball, developer of WeatherCat) is off on vacation for 2 weeks, so your suggestions won't get to him until then.  However, he is very responsive to these sorts of suggestions so I'm sure he'll have a response for you once he is back at the helm.

Cheers, Edouard  [cheers1]


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Re: Wind direction (unconnected) dot graph
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2012, 02:09:02 PM »
Dear Trixology, I am hoping for a wind direction graph that displays dots for the average wind direction.  More specifically, I don't want the dots to be connected in any way, like the way implements wind direction graphs.  The reason I ask this is because the dominant wind direction in my area is from the north and when the wind direction alternates between NW, N, and NE, it makes for a very messy graph indeed!

Dear Stu,

Please, please can this be done?

My wind graphs are looking like c**p with all the Northerly breezes we are getting at the moment. They don't look so bad on WeatherUnderground, which uses the dots.



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Re: Wind direction (unconnected) dot graph
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2012, 07:50:57 PM »
Sorry, missed this one whilst I was on hols.

Yep to both; we'll get the dotted windir graph first (aiming for the 1.1 development on that one as it's a common request).




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No graph without sharing your wind!! (Re: Wind direction dot graph)
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2012, 11:00:36 PM »
Howdy Tony, Stu, Matt, and WeatherCat fans, . . . .  [cat]

Please, please can this be done?

My wind graphs are looking like c**p with all the Northerly breezes we are getting at the moment.

 ;) Oh no ya' don't!!  How dare you cozy up to fire when outside it is 45˚ F (7.5˚ C)  [cold] and us poor suckers in North America are Roastin' with temps around 90˚ F (32.3˚ C)!!   [sweat2]  So you don't get no pretty graphs until you promise to share with us some of that cool breeze!!


Cheers, Edouard  [cheers1]


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Re: No graph without sharing your wind!! (Re: Wind direction dot graph)
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2012, 01:27:49 AM »
Howdy Tony, Stu, Matt, and WeatherCat fans, . . . .  [cat]

Please, please can this be done?

My wind graphs are looking like c**p with all the Northerly breezes we are getting at the moment.

 ;) Oh no ya' don't!!  How dare you cozy up to fire when outside it is 45˚ F (7.5˚ C)  [cold] and us poor suckers in North America are Roastin' with temps around 90˚ F (32.3˚ C)!!   [sweat2]  So you don't get no pretty graphs until you promise to share with us some of that cool breeze!!


Cheers, Edouard  [cheers1]

Oddly enough a Northerly is unusual this time of year as it's our warm breeze.
Southerlies are expected tomorrow, with a cold polar blast and snow down to low levels. Should make the penguins down in Oamaru Harbour feel right at home.



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Winter almost there? (Re: sharing your wind!!)
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2012, 10:32:13 PM »
Howdy Tony and WeatherCat Southern Hemisphere types,

Oddly enough a Northerly is unusual this time of year as it's our warm breeze.
Southerlies are expected tomorrow, with a cold polar blast and snow down to low levels.

Sounds like Winter is closing in upon you!!  [freeze]  We are approaching our truly hot season.  It takes this long for the deserts to really reach peak temperatures and that drives the last summer and early fall in California.  Kinda sad that people insist that summer is when the calendar says it is.  Around here, spring probably drags into early July and sometimes the hot weather can last into October!!  [sweat2]

Should make the penguins down in Oamaru Harbour feel right at home.

Ya' know, while Penguins do live in the antarctic, I don't know if you would find the penguins on Antarctica are actually happier than the ones living in the Gal?pagos islands!!   ;D

Cheers, Edouard  [cheers1]