Author Topic: End of Twitter Functionality  (Read 450 times)


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End of Twitter Functionality
« on: April 30, 2023, 09:03:30 PM »
Hello folks,
Due to what I can only describe as bizarre going-ons over at Twitter, WeatherCat is no longer able to post to Twitter.

Due to this, the Twitter functionality in WeatherCat will be removed in the next release.

I apologise for the rather random end of life to this functionality in WeatherCat, but I see no path forward with regards to WeatherCat and Twitter at this moment in time.



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  • Station Details: Davis Vantage Pro-2, Mac mini (2018), macOS 10.14.3, WeatherCat 3
Dear Stu and WeatherCat faithful,

Sorry that you find yourself in this predicament.  You had a lot of trouble creating a Twitter interface from scratch after Apple dropped it's own Twitter toolkit.

Due to what I can only describe as bizarre going-ons over at Twitter, WeatherCat is no longer able to post to Twitter.

 ;) . . . . In this case Stu, I think you are being too polite! . . .  ;D

Thanks again for the past efforts,
