Author Topic: Weathercat controller  (Read 1477 times)


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Weathercat controller
« on: June 07, 2019, 12:32:18 AM »
The manual says on page 29 that the controller opens when you start weathercat. I have to open the controller. I would like to have it as my home window. What do I need to do?


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Re: Weathercat controller
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2019, 01:11:52 AM »
That is an interesting question! Perhaps the solution is as simple as never closing the window after you start WC? I see it is "also called 'Daily View'". I don't see anything offering to display that window, on demand, so to speak.

I have to admit that I've never knowingly left it visible and could not even remember what it looked like. I run WC on a monitor-less Mac minni, so I close all windows after any Start/Restart to cut down on resources used. I get by with web pages with current data and others with daily and weakly graphs and a statistics page with textual data for yesterday, this & last week, this & last month, this & last year and max/min data since station opened. I guess I'm not taking advantage of the nearly infinite amounts of data WC generates and stores! Some here even enjoy looking at the data in raw format!!
Those that use metric = #1 Measurement system
And the United States = The Banana system


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  • Station Details: Davis Vantage Pro-2, Mac mini (2018), macOS 10.14.3, WeatherCat 3
It doesn't stay open between restarts? (Re: Weathercat controller)
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2019, 11:21:47 PM »
Dear oldcolonel, X-Air, and WeatherCat troubleshooters,

The manual says on page 29 that the controller opens when you start weathercat. I have to open the controller. I would like to have it as my home window. What do I need to do?

WeatherCat is supposed to retain the state that it was in when you quit.  So when you quit WeatherCat the controller window is open, but it doesn't get opened when you launch WeatherCat again?

Usually, this is a sign of a corrupted preference file.  If that's the problem you'll probably need to delete the file and set all your preferences again.  If you have some settings that were difficult to make, write down the settings before following this procedure.

  • Quit WeatherCat
  • Drag the WeatherCat preference file to the trash  It is called com.trixology.weathercat.plist and can be found in:


    That is the UNIX convention for the file path.  Let us know if you need further explanation on this.
  • Empty the trash
  • Restart your Mac
  • Only then can you restart WeatherCat and start putting back your preferences

If you don't follow this procedure, macOS will restore the corrupted file from a data cache.  Unfortunately, recent versions of macOS have an unfortunate tendency of corrupting preference files.  When you get your preferences the way you like them, you might want to make a backup copy for save keeping.

Cheers, Edouard  [cheers1]