Author Topic: Stupid is as stupid does...  (Read 1439 times)


  • Storm
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  • Posts: 3131
Stupid is as stupid does...
« on: April 11, 2016, 01:10:44 AM »
This is a private message to the WC Dev. No one else is allowed to read it!
Just to forestall any suggestion that I might have some idea of what I am doing in front of my Mac...

With our gusty winds today, our power went out for maybe 45 minutes. Probably a massive limb fell on a major power line or one of our local "drivers" decided to "move" a power pole...

At any rate, when the power came back, I decided it would be a great time to install the newest version of WC as well as some Software Updates that have been sending those constant Notifications. [banghead] The WC installation was the normal Drag 'n Drop variety. But I had been putting all the files in a folder labeled "WeatherCat 2.2". I'm too lazy to do the command-I thing...

Since I was changing the version and making other updates, I decided I am also too lazy to keep changing the folder label by adding the version info. So I changed the folder to simply "WeatherCat". I also have a couple of AppleScripts that provide little text files that are used to compute times on the site.

After restarting WC, everything was perfectly normal. Thanks, Stu! Well, everything except the AS that I failed to start. And a few other pages that weren't being updated! What was WC doing?! [banghead]

Turns out WC was doing exactly what I asked it to. Unfortunately, when one sets up those Additional Files, one has to navigate to the file using the standard Navigation dialog. I double-checked to see that the few files I had in that pref were still there. They were

Many (most?) of you already know the 'problem' I created when I changed the name of that folder... [BTW, why are you reading this private message?!]
Yep! The "Path" still indicated the files were in the now non-existent "WeatherCat 2.2" folder. So WC just decided that some idiot user shouldn't be using the computer and just skipped the bad paths and proceeded to do everything else without a complaint.

This just proves, Stu, you really can't make programs idiot proof! Idiots reproduce much faster than programmers can code! [rockon]

I also realized I'd set up a launch daemon to run one of the applescripts. Since I had changed the path, it broke the path used by that daemon, also. Yesterday, I tried running LaunchControl by double-clicking the app in PathFinder while I had the mini as a 'shared' device. While the app is on the mini, i was actually now running it in my iMac. Had to literally "sleep" on the warning the app kept giving me that the AS was not on the drive. DUH! The app and I were talking about two different drives, of course! This morning I started up LaunchControl while screen sharing the mini. [banghead] Putting the edited path in the previous 'job' worked purfackly then, of course...  [rolleyes2]

I've written a short text file noting the few little details I need to check whenever I update WC. [lol]
Those that use metric = #1 Measurement system
And the United States = The Banana system