Author Topic: weatherlink IP - how to connect on mac OS X?  (Read 12937 times)


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You aren't getting data from the station. (Re: weatherlink IP)
« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2014, 09:15:51 PM »
Dear boracay,

7:52:05 AM 22-Dec-2014:  WeatherCloud is initialising.
 7:52:05 AM 22-Dec-2014:  WeatherCloud is running.
 7:52:05 AM 22-Dec-2014:  Running.
 7:52:05 AM 22-Dec-2014:  WeatherCat server is starting - running on port 49250
 7:52:05 AM 22-Dec-2014:  WeatherCat is running...
 7:52:16 AM 22-Dec-2014:  Fetching data from weather station...
 7:52:16 AM 22-Dec-2014:  Temperature not ready...
 7:52:16 AM 22-Dec-2014:  Dewpoint not ready...
 7:52:16 AM 22-Dec-2014:  External rh not ready...
 7:52:46 AM 22-Dec-2014:  Fetching data from weather station...
 7:52:46 AM 22-Dec-2014:  Temperature not ready...
 7:52:46 AM 22-Dec-2014:  Dewpoint not ready...
 7:52:46 AM 22-Dec-2014:  External rh not ready...
 7:53:16 AM 22-Dec-2014:  Fetching data from weather station...
 7:53:16 AM 22-Dec-2014:  Temperature not ready...
 7:53:16 AM 22-Dec-2014:  Dewpoint not ready...
 7:53:16 AM 22-Dec-2014:  External rh not ready...
 7:53:16 AM 22-Dec-2014:  Weather data not ready - retrying in 30 seconds.

Those messages are crystal clear.  You aren't getting data from your station to your data logger.  The problem is with your Davis hardware, not WeatherCat.  Do you have a console?  If so, are you receiving data there without any problems?  It could be that your Weather Envoy is too far away from your instruments to get data.

I don't know how to use a Davis IP data logger, but I suspect there are ways to get some information on how the Envoy is performing.  With the USB version of the data logger, you get WeatherLink software that allows you make some checks on your Davis hardware.

Sorry, but you've got some serious hardware troubleshooting on your hands.

Best of luck, . . . . Edouard


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Re: weatherlink IP - how to connect on mac OS X?
« Reply #16 on: December 23, 2014, 02:11:12 AM »
no thats not it.

as I wrote previously, the wind data is being recorded perfectly. we ONLY need the wind data.
there is no communication problem to the hardware (anonometer and transmitter)
the realtime wind gauges are displaying and moving perfectly within the weathercat app, in realtime., very nice.

its the actual uploading onto the 3rd party weather services, weathercat just stalles at "waiting to start..."
Developer, could it be that weathercat is seeing too many errors because we don't have all those sensors? and then not bothering to continue with function after seeing those errors?


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Re: weatherlink IP - how to connect on mac OS X?
« Reply #17 on: December 23, 2014, 04:36:58 PM »
Yes, it isn't going to work for you I'm afraid. It's waiting to get a good set of data - until that happens it'll just keep complaining.


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Re: weatherlink IP - how to connect on mac OS X?
« Reply #18 on: December 24, 2014, 08:39:43 AM »
thats so disappointing...
what about if i got outside temp data?

our use case is just to monitor the wind.
the gauges creation, and the uploading to the 3rd party services all looked PERFECT.

please please cater to a limited data case such as ours.

merry xmas


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Just use all the sensors. (Re: weatherlink IP - how to connect on mac OS X)
« Reply #19 on: December 24, 2014, 09:27:28 PM »
Dear boracay and WeatherCat fans,

thats so disappointing...
what about if i got outside temp data?

Since you paid for a station, you might as well collect all the data so that WeatherCat would run properly.  What do you have to lose by hooking up all the sensors?  If the temperature data isn't interesting to you - just ignore it.



  • Gentle Breeze
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Re: weatherlink IP - how to connect on mac OS X?
« Reply #20 on: December 25, 2014, 01:58:16 AM »
we don't have those sensors, we specifically purchased a WIND only station from Davis.
we could purchase a temperature sensor, but only IF to  help get weathercat working.

Im sorry for asking, but can somebody recommend perhaps another MAC based piece of software for us to try?
thank you


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Re: weatherlink IP - how to connect on mac OS X?
« Reply #21 on: December 25, 2014, 09:17:02 AM »
we don't have those sensors, we specifically purchased a WIND only station from Davis.
we could purchase a temperature sensor, but only IF to  help get weathercat working.

Im sorry for asking, but can somebody recommend perhaps another MAC based piece of software for us to try?
thank you
Before I switched to WeatherCat I used
You can try that program for free also, only you have to restart it every time after 3 hours.

Another program also has a trial period, it is far more complex then the others.

I have my doubts as a programmer if if it can work. A weather-program is quite different from a "windspeed"-program. And I find it strange that WU accepts incomplete data. But never old enough to learn.

If you succeed with another program, please post your succes here also. And a link to your WU page, so I can see for myself that WU accepts windspeed only uploads.

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Re: weatherlink IP - how to connect on mac OS X?
« Reply #22 on: December 25, 2014, 06:22:11 PM »
Last I heard, Brian lost his hard drive and all code for Weather Display. He's working on the Windows version again, but doesn't plan on resurrecting the Mac version. This may not be the latest info, though.

Steve - Avon, Ohio, USA

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Re: weatherlink IP - how to connect on mac OS X?
« Reply #23 on: December 26, 2014, 05:56:19 PM »
Wow that's bad news about losing a bunch of source code! Sincere sympathies there - I can't imagine that happening! (Can't happen here, everything is locally backed up to another server and that backup is then replicated daily to Amazon S3). Indeed, the actual source code/project isn't even kept on the build machine's hard drive, it's accessed remotely from a server via iSCSI (which is running a raid 10 volume made up of a bunch of Samsung 840 SSD's). It's virtually impossible to lose more than say a day's worth even in the worse case scenario.

The reason WeatherCat won't start-up until it sees all primary sensors present and correct is to avoid a (common) problem where the user does some maintenance. They'll typically quit WeatherCat, put the console into maintenance mode (assuming a Davis station) then go do the maintenance. When done they boot WeatherCat and carry on with their life.

However, sometimes either a sensor has been left disconnected in the ISS or the console has been left in maintenance mode. The next day they realise no data is being recorded and get it fixed, the data downloads from the logger and everything is updated. Without this check they'd have been recording/uploading nothing and will very rapidly have an email into support asking how they can sort the mess out :)


  • Gentle Breeze
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Re: weatherlink IP - how to connect on mac OS X?
« Reply #24 on: December 29, 2014, 12:03:06 AM »
for what its worth, weathersnoop3 is sending the WIND data only, perfectly thru to the 3rd party services.
unfortunately it does not have alarms functionality.

re weathercat.
I still wish to go with weathercat.
how about an easy (by default ALL on) preference panel that just ticks each sensor on/off?
that would allow less complex weather setups to use your program.
its so disappointing i cannot use it.

yesterday a couple of kids wedge a stick in the wind sensor, and thanks to your program the email alarm triggered and I ran down and caught the little ....grrr

its just that the "realtime/live" WIND data is not actually getting to the 3rd party services with weathercat
thats very unfortunate for us because we have an entire community of windsurfers and kitesurfers WISHING for our wind meter.
weathersnoop3, DOES send the data without issue.


edit: by the way, the only reason we need to get any weather program is because the Davis ip logger has a minimum refresh to its included service of 15mins. thats a ridiculous limitation when you need to see visual realtime breeze


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Could you add temperature/humidity? (Re: weatherlink IP)
« Reply #25 on: December 29, 2014, 09:26:21 PM »
Dear boracay and WeatherCat fans,

I still wish to go with weathercat.

WeatherCat would work just as you like it if you added the temperature/humidity probe to your Davis station.  I don't know how you managed to get a Davis station missing that part, but perhaps you should consider getting that probe.  The temperature data is quite useful even if it isn't your primary focus.

Maybe you could search around and get a good deal on a used temperature/humidity probe from a station that has been damaged in some other way.

Cheers, Edouard


  • Gentle Breeze
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Re: Could you add temperature/humidity? (Re: weatherlink IP)
« Reply #26 on: December 30, 2014, 02:58:07 AM »
I still wish to go with weathercat.

WeatherCat would work just as you like it if you added the temperature/humidity probe to your Davis station.

developer, is that correct?
wind sensor, and temperature sensor,  weathercat upload function then works with that limited data set?
thank you

edit: we have decided to go with weathersnoop3 (purchased today)
it uploads today without issue.
thanks for the support time.
much appreciated